Featured Matches - ISML 2011 Topaz Period
Topaz 1 — 17 May 2011

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Iwasawa Asami (Angel Beats!)
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Her lyrical genius saw her triumph against fellow SSS-member, Shiina, in Aquamarine Round 4, but Topaz brings former-lead, vocalist/rhythm guitarist, Iwasawa Asami, head-to-head with an even more formidable teammate: her incessantly-cheerful groupie, Yui. Afterlife High School students flock to watch GirlDeMo's spontaneous gigs and all of ISML will follow suit as these two face-off in this pink-haired showdown. Currently holding her own after a good 5-2 period, a new dream is forming behind Yui's bright eyes, and nothing, not even her idol, can dampen her passion and determination; yet, Iwasawa is no stranger to harsh battles, nor is she willing to give up without a fight. She's conquered much harder hurdles in life than this and not even Yuri's wrath and punishment last period could break her inner calm. Will the quiet, resilient muse be able to captivate everyone with her melancholic ballad one more time, or will the exuberant, young imp steal her limelight? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD)
Nagi and Tomoyo will have a tough time going back to Double Elimination once more. Although both had decent starts in the previous period, 4-3 and 5-2 respectively, they are going to have to do much more than this if they want to get themselves back in the running for the Postseason. By the end of last year’s Regular Season. Tomoyo ranked #10, while Nagi ranked #12. During the Double Elimination seeding, Nagi managed to muster up enough votes to defeat Tomoyo. After Double Elimination, Nagi found herself ranked #10, while Tomoyo ranked #11. Today, a re-match of that same battle will take place. Age has degraded them significantly, so Tomoyo and Nagi need to step up their game plan if they wish to return to their normal strength levels after everything is said and done. Can the rich, twin-tailed otaku defeat Tomoyo once more, or will the student council president place Nagi where she originally was: below her? |

Senjōgahara Hitagi (Bakemonogatari) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky☆Star)
These two girls couldn't have had had a more different Aquamarine period. In the first four rounds, Hitagi went undefeated, as expected from someone who made it to the Postseason last year. On the other hand, Kagami suffered from a very tough schedule, which left her with a terrible 0-4 score; however, in the fifth round, the Lucky☆Star-girl managed to turn around her bad luck with a close win over Asahina Mikuru, later collecting two more wins to end up with a 3-4 score, while Hitagi did just the opposite, getting beaten three consecutive times to finish the period 4-3. One thing is common though, they both hoped for better starts, and unless they improve their performances, the main heroine of Bakemonogatari and the older Hiiragi-twin might not make it to the Postseason again after last season’s successful campaigns. They have the common goal to fight for their spots in the best 16, but they cannot team up right now. Kagami and Hitagi have to fight each other for their cause. Two girls wear the same shoes—who will take a step closer and who will be set back? |
Thanks to Momokutenshi, Momento10, and Yakuman for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz 2 — 19 May 2011

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs. Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
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These two girls may have aristocratic backgrounds with little to no knowledge of life in the middle class, but their personalities cannot be any more different. Kotobuki Tsumugi can be compared to a princess who has stayed in a castle throughout her life. While she may know elegance, manners, and has many connections, she knows nothing about the outside world. What other people see as normal, she deems fascinating, almost to the point of pointing and asking about a certain item or event. While she acts like an overactive child in times like these, overall, her presence is what calms everyone down. Sanzen'in Nagi can instead be compared to an untamed princess who forcefully locks herself in the castle. Trauma in the past has caused her to fear life outside of the mansion. Instead of going outside, she either reads manga or plays video games, using them as references about middle-class life. Even so, Nagi is kind and thoughtful, and she makes sure to repay the favors that people have given her. With cake and manga in this unorthodox tea party, can Tsumugi overcome a veteran, or will Nagi trample over the newcomer? |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Iwasawa Asami (Angel Beats!)
Band and brand warfare, these two girls, who are leaders in their own ways, will square off to see who is the better musician. Akiyama Mio is a hardworking and dedicated bassist. She always thinks about what is best for the club and is usually the one setting her friends straight to work. Even when she is out with her friends having fun, she still spends some time practicing her music during the day. One can trust Mio to get things done on time and make sure that everyone else properly behaves and does their jobs. Iwasawa Asami is a heart-warming guitarist who puts her heart and soul into her music. Asami is usually seen leading the second, yet important, part of the SSS mission: distracting students from the actual battlefront. Whether it is practicing, playing for herself, or playing live on stage for the team, she makes sure her performance is as best as it can be. She wishes for those who listen to her music to understand the deeper meaning of the lyrics. It is a musical face-off between a bassist and a guitarist. Which musician will have the loudest applause after this match? |

Narusegawa Naru (Love Hina) vs. Teletha Testarossa (Full Metal Panic!)
成瀬川なる (ラブひな) vs. テレサ・テスタロッサ (フルメタル・パニック!)
나루세가와 나루 (러브히나 (러브 인 러브) ) vs. 테레사 테스타롯사 (풀 메탈 패닉!)
These two girls are perfect foils for one another. Teletha “Tessa” Testarossa is a kind and sweet girl who is the captain of the TDD-1, an advanced submarine that serves as a base for covert counterterrorist operations. Tessa has been known to be very stubborn, especially when someone tells her that she cannot do a certain task. She will always try to prove them wrong and push them into thinking that her way of seeing a certain event is correct. Nevertheless, she cares very deeply about her friends and crewmen, making sure that casualties remain minimal, for she dislikes the sight of death. Narusegawa Naru is a fiery and short-tempered girl. Unlike Tessa, Naru would rather fix her problems through brute force than think about them in a calm and logical manner. Despite her rather violent personality, she is a well-mannered girl who does her best to make it into her dream university and will sacrifice her social life, for studies, in order to get there. She is also very caring; she tries to help solve other people's personal problems as much as she can. In a battle between beauty, brains, and brawn, can Tessa strategically obtain a decisive victory today, or will Naru use her strength to take her opponent down quickly? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz 3 — 22 May 2011

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky☆Star)
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The rivalry between Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu and Lucky☆Star has provided some of the most interesting results. The strongest representatives from the two factions, Nagato Yuki and Hiiragi Kagami, respectively, will square off in yet another amazing confrontation. This specific rivalry dates back to 2008 in Diamond Round 2, where Yuki acquired the first victory during the Regular Season. At Postseason, Kagami made a comeback victory in Winner Round 2, sending Yuki to the loser bracket; however, Yuki retaliated once more and defeated her nemesis in Loser Round 6. Since then, both girls have bumped heads in KBM 2009 and ISML 2009 and 2010. Currently, the score between Yuki and Kagami stands 4-2. While both of them have two necklaces (Yuki having the Topaz and Amethyst necklaces, and Kagami, the Amethyst and Emerald necklaces), the one thing that Yuki cannot brag about is having a major title like Kagami, who was the 2008 AST Champion. Can Yuki pick up another win against a respective veteran, or will Kagami find her inner strength and defeat Yuki for the third time? 涼宮春日和幸運☆星之間的競爭提供了一些極有趣的結果。兩個系列最強的角色,分別是柊鏡和長門有希,將展開另一個驚人的對抗。這個競爭可以追溯到2008 年的鑽石第二戰,有希擊敗鏡而獲得了鑽石賽第一場勝利。在季後賽,鏡捲土重來的在勝利者區第二回合獲勝,將有希打入失敗者區,但是,有希再次反擊,在失敗 者區的第六回合打敗她的宿敵。從那時起,兩個女孩都在2009年和2010年韓萌和ISML碰頭。目前兩者之間的比數是4-2。雖然他們兩個人各有兩條項 鍊(有希握著黃玉和紫水晶項鍊;鏡則擁有紫水晶和綠寶石項鍊),有一件事是有希不能拿來吹噓,但鏡卻擁有的頭銜─日萌大滿貫的冠軍萌王。有希能否戰勝另一 位老將,和是鏡會爆發她內在的力量,第三度挑戰有希成功? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
Sanzen'in Nagi finds herself competing once again with yet another School Council President, one who has completely wiped the floor with all of her opponents. After a somewhat controversial Aquamarine Period, our silver-haired Tenshi has opted for a fresh start, with a new prize in her sights. Despite having over 6,000 more votes (VF) than any other competitor, Kanade just barely missed topping last period's charts and obtaining that elusive necklace; but, now she's back with a vengeance, preparing for another perfect period after solid wins in the first two rounds. Still, Nagi has just as much determination and desire for victory as Yuri, with a hundred times the resources and a few more tricks up her sleeve. Does the rich otaku know enough of Kanade's weaknesses to pull off an underdog win? Or will Tenshi soar overhead with yet another impressive margin? 三千院凪發現自己又再次的與學生會主席爭鬥,一個徹底殲滅所有對手的學生會長。經過一個有點爭議的海藍寶玉階段,我們擁有滿頭銀髮的天使奏已經選擇了一個 新的開始,將目光放在新的獎項上。儘管得到超過6000多票,奏剛好錯過了名次的頂端結果未獲取那難以捉摸的項鍊,但現在她的帶著復仇回來,在拿下兩個完 美的比賽後,奏決定繼續她的完美比數。儘管如此,凪就像佑理一樣為了勝利有著許多的決心和渴望,有著百倍的資源和一些其他花招。御宅族是否知道奏足夠的弱 點而將他拉下?或天使將飆升另一個令人印象深刻的票差? |

Tōsaka Rin (Fate/stay night) vs. Seraphim (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
Will the loyal fans of Fate/stay night veteran, Tōsaka Rin, be enough to pose a challenge to the popular new series backing Sera-san's claim to fame? Time will tell as these resourceful, black-haired beauties face off, Rin's Gandr against Seraphim's Hiken Tsubamegaeshi. Though she narrowly missed Postseason last year, this is Rin's fourth year in ISML and age has little worn her out. She has had a harsh match schedule thus far, with little chance of showing off her true Master potential, but this could be her chance to break her losing streak and level with Seraphim. Likewise, Sera hasn't had the easiest run so far. Barely scraping a win past Sora, the proud kyūketsu-ninja is not going to stay quiet at this chance to up her ranking. As these two ladies duke it out with all their might, will the cunning mage triumph? Or will her blood fuel Seraphim's vampiric campaign? 命運/停駐之夜的老將遠坂凜是否足以對一個有著人氣的新番角色塞拉構成威脅?時間會告訴我們,因為這兩位足智多謀的黑髮美人的對峙。凜的芬蘭寶石術法對上 塞拉的祕劍‧燕返。雖然凜差一點進入去年季後賽,這是凜第四年參加ISML,年紀也已經有點悠久。迄今為止,她已經經歷嚴酷的賽程,很少有機會炫耀她真正 身為英靈之主的潛力,但這可能是她有機會利用塞拉打破她的連敗。同樣,塞拉也不是這麼簡單就走了這麼長遠的萌戰之路。過去僅對上穹而獲得一場勝利,驕傲的 吸血忍者為了增加她的排名是不會對於這個的機會保持緘默。由於這兩位女爵將要盡她們所有的可能取勝。會是狡猾的魔法師勝利,或是她的血液當作吸血塞拉的能 量? |

Kuroi Mato (Black ★ Rock Shooter) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
If there has ever been a dark horse in ISML, it has definitely got to be Kuroi Mato. No one expected this mysterious newcomer to pull off such close games, but her skill in basketball has evidently crossed over here, with so many close matches that it's left Fantasy participants reeling. An eleventh-hour burst of energy pulled her just ahead of Izumi Konata in Topaz Round 1, giving her a good start to this period, but will that be enough to get her through? Not if Yui has anything to say about it! The bright underling in the diversion unit of the SSS has gone far since she's discovered a new life, not only treading in her idol's footsteps in GirlDeMo, but also proving that she has even more vivacity than not only Iwasawa, but also Hirasawa Ui, placing her right up there with the musical idols of the year. Will Yui be able to pull off another musical hit? Or will Topaz Round 3 be the new American Idol Season 8, giving Kuroi victory? |

Laura Bodewig (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
vs. Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
After 9 matches, IS pilot Laura Bodewig finds herself at the bottom of the competition. However, it isn’t the same for her pilot friend, Charlotte Dunois. Charlotte is on a roll after losing only once in the Aquamarine Period, while Laura still seeks a victory in the Regular Season. As the two face each other, they plan to take the battle high up into the skies. Which IS will fly higher after the match? Will Laura be able to capture her first win, or will Charlotte continue to soar higher in the rankings? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Fujibayashi Kyō (CLANNAD)
Some first impressions tend to be very deceiving. Nakano Azusa, who is a cute and hardworking junior, turned out to be one of the most dangerous powerhouses in ISML. Last year, Fujibayashi Kyō of the Elite 7 slightly let her guard down, and Azusa managed to defeat her by a 250-vote margin. One year has passed, and the two find themselves in the exact same period as their previous encounter. Kyō is now mentally and physically prepared to take Azusa down, but will that be enough? With the K-ON! series still fresh in people's minds and the CLANNAD series slowly fading, it is going to take more than just being well-prepared for the upcoming match. Can Kyō muster up enough votes to win, or will Azusa prove that what happened last year was no fluke? 一些第一印象往往非常具有欺騙性。中野梓,是一位可愛和勤奮的少女,在ISML卻是一個最危險的強大角色。去年,第七種子藤林杏稍微讓她放鬆警惕,梓由 250票之差打敗了她。一年過去了,兩人發現自己在完全相同的時間點再次遇上。杏準備好在精神上和現實上拉她下來,但這樣足夠嗎?K-ON!系列在人們腦 中仍然記憶猶新但CLANNAD系列卻已慢慢衰落褪去,她為即將到來的比賽要採取不只是更充分的準備。杏是否能鼓足所有的選票,贏得這場比賽,還是梓能證 明去年的勝利不單單只是僥倖? |

Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD) vs. Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto)
If you're looking for the strongest girl without any special abilities amongst the 50 participants, Sakagami Tomoyo and Aragaki Ayase are definitely two who you should consider as candidates. They might seem to be ordinary schoolgirls at first sight, but Ayase and Tomoyo have more strength in their muscles than meets the eye. While it's hard to match CLANNAD's sporty heroine, who can take out an entire gang in an instant without breaking a sweat, the 14-year-old model can get pretty violent, too, if she becomes embarrassed. Ayase is capable of executing a surprisingly powerful roundhouse kick, which can easily send flying an older male student. However, fighting skills are (un)fortunately not the main deciding factor in an ISML match, so these two will have to fight each other with their moe-ness, which seems to give the advantage to Tomoyo, as the student council president started the period with a 2-0 record. Meanwhile, her opponent only sits at 0-2. Can the saimoe-rookie turn the tables on the experienced veteran, or will Tomoyo defeat Ayase with her legendary, thousand-hit combo kick? 如果你正在這50位參賽者中尋找沒有特殊能力但卻是最強的女孩,坂上智代和新垣綾瀨肯定是你要找的兩位候選人。第一眼看見她們,似乎普通的國高中女生,但 綾瀨和智代有更強的肌肉實力。雖然它難以聯想是CLANNAD的運動型女主角,但智代能瞬間而毫不費力的解決一個完整的幫派;而如果變得尷和尬羞恥,一個 14歲的模特兒會變得非常暴力。綾瀨有能力使出一個令人驚訝的強大的迴旋踢,可以輕鬆地使年長的男性學生飛出去。然而,幸運地(或不幸地!?),戰鬥技能 不是ISML主要的決定因素,因此這兩位將要用自己的萌力爭取勝利,似乎給了智代一個優勢,作為學生會主席,黃玉賽程開始就有著2-0的兩勝紀錄,同時她 的對手只有0-2的連敗紀錄。能否最萌之戰的新秀反敗為勝成為有經驗的老將,還是智代能使出她傳奇踢技的一千連擊將綾瀨踹飛呢? |
Thanks to Momukutenshi, xcrossfacekillahx, Momento10, and Yakuman for contributing today's match previews.
Chinese translations by fujibayashi.
Chinese translations by fujibayashi.
Topaz 4 — 24 May 2011

Fate Testarossa (Mahō Shōjo Lyrical Nanoha) vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
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2008 ISML champion, Fate Testarossa, is not starting off too well this year. With only two victories thus far, could this foreshadow the end of her illustrious career in all moe tournaments? Fate does not want to believe so, and neither do her fans. She needs to step up her game as soon as possible; otherwise, her invitation to the Postseason may as well be torn into pieces. Her opponent today is Tachibana Kanade, who could very well be the future Tiara bearer. In Aquamarine, Kanade dominated all of her opponents with enough room to spare, obtaining a vote differential of over 25,000, more than double of Shana's vote differential this year and last year. Kanade may be in a different level of her own. Even so, Fate has never backed down from a challenge, and this is probably the opportunity that she has waited for. Can Fate be the first one to slay the angel, or will Kanade sweep her off her feet, as she has done with everyone else? |

Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs. Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Will these girls remain runner-ups forever? These two were given many opportunities to capture major titles, but they failed to obtain them. In 2007, Sanzen'in Nagi was just 23 votes shy of becoming the Anime Saimoe champion, but was overtaken by Furude Rika. In Anime Saimoe 2009, Hirasawa Yui was able to make it to the final round, but lost to Aisaka Taiga. Last year, both of them could have had the chance to take home the Korean Best Moe title and the Anime Saimoe title, but were bested by Tachibana Kanade and Nakano Azusa, respectively. Both of them need to wake up to what lies ahead of them. If both are to slack off now, powerful and high-rising newcomers may take their places in the Postseason. In an intense battle with their prides on the line, will Yui be able to defeat Nagi and continue her winning ways, or will Nagi snap her chords before she can play herself back into the Postseason once more? |

Louise Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
It will be a war between a mage and an esper as Louise tries her spells against an energized opponent. Louise has struggled so far in the tournament as she only has had 2 victories in 10 matches—both of which came from the Aquamarine Period. She will try to cast her most dangerous spells in order to get her first win in Topaz. However, Mikoto is on a roll in this tournament. She is undefeated so far and will most likely continue to dominate in the matches to come. With a flip of a coin in the air, she attacks with a combination of electric ability and speed. Will the void mage's skills be enough to secure a victory? Or, will the speed of the Level 5-esper overcome magic and unleash her electric charge at her opponent? |

Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Tsukamoto Yakumo (School Rumble)
木之本桜 (カードキャプターさくら) vs. 塚本八雲 (スクールランブル)
키노모토 사쿠라 ( 유체리 ) (카드캡터 사쿠라 ( 체리 )) vs. 츠카모토 야쿠모 (스쿨럼블)
To some, she is a cheerful and optimistic ten-year-old girl who will do whatever it takes to make those around her smile and not suffer. To others, she is a role model to girls all over the world and the epitome of "moe." She is Kinomoto Sakura, the first ever Anime Saimoe Champion. Sakura returns to ISML to make her special and rare appearance known to all. Facing her today is Tsukamoto Yakumo, a kind and shy high school girl. Despite being the younger sister, Yakumo is usually seen doing household chores for her older sister, from cooking, to cleaning, and the like. She tries to be the best that she can be, making sure that she does not trouble those around her, especially her friends and family. Due to her kind personality and gentle manners, she could be Sakura's future form a few years later. With a major veteran up against a newcomer match about to unfold, will Sakura be the one to obtain the victory, or will Yakumo shock the world by defeating her? |
Thanks to Momento10 and xcrossfacekillahx for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz 5 — 26 May 2011

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Akiyama Mio (K-ON!)
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In Korean Best Moe 2010, these two Valkyries faced off in the finals to determine who would obtain the Korean Best Moe title. After all of the blood, sweat, and tears, Tachibana Kanade fell short, and Akiyama Mio would be known as the third person to have two moe titles in a year and the second person to have both the ISML and KBM titles in her hands. Today, a rematch of what happened that day commences. This time, the current Tiara Champion will have to be much more wary about Kanade than before. Mio’s loss to Shana in Aquamarine Round 7 may allow other powerhouse girls to take advantage of the champion's weakened state, and Kanade is no exception to that. Kanade has shown time and time again how brutally she can defeat her opponents. Her latest victim was Fate Testarossa, a former Tiara bearer, whom she crushed with more than 50% of the total votes. However, this is the current Tiara Champion whom she faces, and Mio is not likely to go down without a fight. She has defeated her once; she can do it again. Can Akiyama Mio be the person to take the wings of the angel, or will Kanade continue her inhuman strength as the Regular Season continues? Im Koreanischen Moe 2010 trefften diese 2 Walküre sich im Finale, um den Champion des Titels zu nehmen. Nach der Ende mit Blut, Schweiß und Träne hatte Tachibana Kanade verloren mit kleinem Rückstand. Und Akiyama Mio wird bekannt dafür, dass sie die dritte Person, die 2 moe titels im Jahr gewonnen hatte und die zweite Person, die beiden ISML und KBM Titels gewonnen hatte, gewesen ist. Heute kommen diese 2 Mädchen zur Wiederbegegnung, und der aktuelle Titelverteidiger muss mehr als vorher auf Tachibana Kanade aufpassen. Nach dem Fall gegen Shana im Aquamarin 7 werden mehr und mehr starke Mädchen Akiyama Mio, die sieht immer schwächer aus, zu herausfordern. Natürlich wird Tachibana Kanade solches zu tun. Bis jetzt hat Kanade gezeigt, dass sie auf brutale Weise ihren Gegner zerstören will. Ihres letztes Opfer war Fate Testarossa des früheren Tiarabesitzers, die Kanade durch mehr als 50% gesamte Stimmen schlagte. Allerdings ist Mio ander als Fate. Der aktuelle Titelverteidiger will nicht erliegen ohne einen Kampf. Mio hat Kanade einst gesiegt, und sie glaubt, dass sie noch einmal das schaffen kann. Kann Akiyama Mio Kanades Flügels brechen? Oder wird Kanade ihr brutales Blutbad fortsetzen? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
While these two girls are runner-ups in ISML and carry two necklaces each, their personalities cannot be any more different. Nagato Yuki is a quiet, soft-spoken girl who only acts and speaks given the situation at hand. When her help is needed, she immediately acts her part. Her insight and intelligence has helped the SOS Brigade come out of many tough circumstances, from hacking games to fighting virtual monsters. Misaka Mikoto is a fiery, short-tempered girl who would rather go all out to complete a task quickly than listen to what other people have to say. Even so, Mikoto has a strong sense of justice and will do anything to protect those who cannot defend themselves, as well as fight those who abuse their power. Both of these girls are currently undefeated, and a loss today will majorly impact their chances of getting into the Topaz Necklace Round. In a world where anything can happen, can the one who wields the light and the darkness outmaneuver and out-think her opponent, or will the one who controls water and fire zap her adversary until she can move no more? |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
A major veteran versus a newcomer match commences. Although she is the weakest girl in the Tier-1 division, Eucliwood Hellscythe has done very well for herself. At a nice and steady pace of 9-1, Eucliwood may find herself a spot in the Postseason. It is still too early in the season to tell, so she needs to continue to prepare for her matches to the highest degree. She will need all the strength that she can get, especially if her opponent is Shana. Shana is a dangerous veteran with whom to be reckoned. Having a record-breaking five necklaces, it comes to no surprise why Shana is a favorite throughout the world. This is probably a challenge that Eucliwood needs to test how well she fares within her group and can do in the future matches to come. Can the necromancer offer Shana her first loss this season, or will Shana burn her down to where she belongs? |

Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru) vs. Kuroi Mato (Black ★ Rock Shooter)
At a first glance at these two girls' statistics, you may be surprised at how many coincidences they share, both entering the Regular Season in Group 6, Preliminary Phase III; both being placed in the middle; having nearly the same VD; both being beaten with a rather small VD in Aquamarine Round 5; moreover, both have beaten the girl who merely grabbed the win from their opponent today. The Golden Darkness, who has participated in ISML for 3 years, is now seeking for the next win after defeating newcomer Shirai Kuroko and having a decent performance against the Elite 7 veteran, Sakagami Tomoyo. On the other hand, newcomer Kuroi Mato, has become desperate since her win in Topaz Round 1 against ISML veteran, Izumi Konata. When all the things are said and done, which girl will claim the victory? 當您看到這兩位女孩的戰績時,或許您會對她們之間諸多的共通點感到訝異:這兩位女孩都是從預賽第三輪第六組晉級、目前的排名都在中段班、票差數量幾乎一 樣、都在海藍寶石的賽程第五輪被以極小的票差擊敗,甚至,兩位都打敗了在那時從她們今日對手的掌中奪走勝利的女孩-參賽經驗長達三年的金色闇影,在打敗新 人白井黑子並和元老級的高手坂上智代有了一場漂亮的戰鬥後,正在尋求著本賽程的第二個勝利,而與她對壘的新人黑衣麻陶,自從在黃玉賽程的第一輪打敗老手泉 此方之後,就一直在等待著下一個獲勝的機會;當一切塵埃落定時,勝利的女神會向哪位女孩微笑? |

Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari) vs. Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
Today, another head-to-head match between these two girls, who made it into the Double Elimination last year, will take place. Their previous match in last year’s ISML was in Aquamarine Round 2, when the Regular Season had just started—Nadeko managed to claim the victory with a 265-vote differential; furthermore, Nadeko got the ticket to the group final in AST Round 2. Later on, Yui took revenge and grabbed the win in the KBM Top 16 match with a 43-vote margin and stopped Nadeko from entering the quarterfinals. So far, the score between these two girls is 2-1, and a win today will be crucial. Nadeko can prove that her loss in KBM last year was just an accident, while Yui can use the victory to even the score and show that she's become stronger since they last met. Who will be the favorite of our voters? Let's just wait and see. 今天,這兩位去年進入了季後賽的女孩之間又要展開一場戰鬥:她們上次在國際最萌的比賽中相遇已經是一年多前的事了,在2010年的海藍寶石賽程第二輪,當季賽剛開始沒多久時,千石撫子以265票的差距擊敗了櫻高輕音部的平澤唯,此後,在日本所舉辦的AST小組第二輪比賽中,撫子又再下一城,奪得了進軍組內最後一輪比賽的門票,但是,在接著舉辦的韓萌(KBM)十六強賽之中,平澤唯卻以43票的落差還以顏色,停下了撫子前進八強的腳步。時至今日,這兩位女孩間的戰績是二比一,因此今日的戰果將格外重要,如果撫子能在此戰中得勝,她就可以證明去年韓萌的失誤只是意外,而如果平澤唯在此戰中勝出,她就能拉平兩人之間的比數,也能顯示出她在上次比賽之後的成長-那麼,究竟哪位選手能獲得投票者們的眷顧呢?且讓我們靜候佳音。 |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
With girls who are leaders in their own rights, Topaz Round 5 sets feisty, SSS-leader Yuri against the independent former King of England, Saber. Coasting on the fame of her more recent series, Yuri has a near-perfect record this year, taking down long-standing veterans from CLANNAD, as well as fresh new faces from Ore no Imōto. But, Saber is, as always, up for a fight. Matching Yuri's perfect period, Saber has triumphed over the SSS once already. Her Excalibur sliced cleanly through Iwasawa's guitar strings, and she's well in the running for this period's necklace. Will Avalon successfully protect this much-loved Servant from Yuri's gunfire? Or, is Yuri's open love for her friends and will to live too strong for Saber to fight? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Shiina (Angel Beats!)
Polar opposites face off today as the talkative, bright otaku takes on the strong, silent ninja. Two sides to the same coin, Nagi and Shiina both live apart from the world: Shiina's blades protecting her underground, and Nagi's mansion and skilled butler intimidating any who might venture near. ISML has brought both of them out of their solitude. Nagi’s eager cheer has aided the blonde twin-tail in putting up a decent fight against this year's favorites—as well as veterans from the past—finishing last period with an even 4-3, but the SSS has proven their might against her twice already. Will Shiina be able to show Nagi yet again that there's more to life than just manga and money? Or, will Nagi's SP forces overwhelm the hundred-man-army that Shiina's worth? |

Kamio Misuzu (AIR) vs. Sawachika Eri (School Rumble)
神尾観鈴 (エアー) vs. 沢近愛理 (スクールランブル)
카미오 미스즈 (에어) vs. 사와치카 에리 (스쿨럼블)
Veterans Kamio Misuzu and Sawachika Eri will face off to determine the best competitor. Misuzu is an optimistic and spirited girl. Although she is very nice, she does not have a lot of friends, since she becomes sick or unexpectedly cries whenever she has a precious moment with someone else. Even with her unusual illness, she still smiles and tries to accept everything that happens around her. Eri is a stubborn and wealthy young lady. Living as an aristocrat and rarely seeing her parents due to their work made her lonely, robbing her of her childhood. At school, she can be herself, for there are people who treat her as a regular adolescent. Eri shares a very tender side with her friends, doing anything in her power to help them out. In addition, both of these girls know the ropes of ISML: Eri participated in ISML as a contestant in 2008, while Misuzu took part in 2009. After her 3-year absence, can Misuzu capture the hearts of the voters, or will Eri’s clever ideas give her the win today? |
Thanks to Momento10, Kevin, and Momukutenshi for contributing today's match previews.
Translations done by Miku (German) and Kevin (Chinese).
Translations done by Miku (German) and Kevin (Chinese).
Topaz 6 — 29 May 2011

Huang Lingyin (IS <Infinite Stratos>) vs. Laura Bodewig (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
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One is the IS-cadet representative from China, and the other is a genetically engineered super-soldier from the German IS Special Forces. Most people would never imagine these two girls meeting and coming to an unavoidable confrontation. However, fate is something that can never confirm, nor deny, the impossible. Huang Lingyin and Laura Bodewig, both champion IS pilots in their motherlands, now have to knock down their opponents in order to prove themselves. Both of them have yet to celebrate since neither has experienced the happiness of victory in the Regular Season. To the fighting record, there’s no doubt that these two girls share wheals and woes together. Unfortunately this time, the former comrades-in-arms have become enemies to be defeated. Let’s see what happens when the Shenlong meets the Schwazer Regen. Eine Mädchen ist der Kadett vom IS Repräsentant Chinas, und die andere Mädchen ist einer genetisch gebauter Supersoldat vom Deutschen IS Special Forces. Meistens wird man sich den Treff der Mädchen und ihren unvermeidlichen Kampf gar nicht vorstellen. Aber Schicksal ist das, was die Unmöglichkeit nie bestätigen oder ableugnen können. Huang Lingyin und Laura Bodewig, die beiden die beste IS Piloten ihrer Vaterland sind, müssen jetzt ihren Gegner besiegen, um ihre Befähigung zu beweisen. Alle beide haben sogar einmal noch nicht gefeiert, da sie in der regulären Saison noch keinen Sieg erlebt. Für Kampfrekord zweifellos sind diese zwei Mädchen an der gleichen Stelle durch dick und dünn zusammengeblieben. Aber jetzt unglücklicherweise ist der ehemaliger Kamerad, der nun Feind wird, zu besiegen. Mal sehen, was passieren wird, wenn Shenlong sich mit Schwazer Regen trifft. 一邊是來自中國的代表候補,另一邊則是經過人體改造的德國軍人-一般來講,人們並不預期她們兩人之間會展開一場龍爭虎鬥,但是,命運的奇妙之處就在於從沒 有人能說哪件事情絕對不可能發生,凰鈴音和蘿拉.博德維希在各自的祖國都是IS駕駛員中的翹楚,但很遺憾的,駕駛IS的技術顯然並不直接牽涉到投票者們的 喜好,因此她們在季賽中都還未曾獲勝,到目前為止都是在排名的最底端互相勉勵的戰友,更遺憾的是,這兩位好戰友今日即將兵戎相見,決出一位能夠更上一層樓 的勝利者,『甲龍』和『黑雨』之間究竟會擦出怎樣的火花呢?就讓我們拭目以待吧! |

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
Despite their very different appearances, it's difficult to overlook the many similarities between these two girls. Air-headed and always in a good mood, their carefree attitudes are sure to lighten up the surrounding atmosphere. Even their names are alike! But it doesn't end here: Yui and Hirasawa Yui share a similar passion for music, both being the lead guitarists and vocalists of their bands. While GirlDeMo's shows serve as a diversion to detract the attention from the SSS operations, After School Tea Time only wants to have a bit of fun. Regardless of the purpose, it is clear that these two girls always enjoy themselves playing an instrument they had never touched before, but managed to master in a surprisingly short time. When these two artists face off, which girl will manage to rock her way past her opponent? |

Saber (Fate/stay night) vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
Saber has been doing quite well in Topaz, but one can argue that it is only because she hasn't meet an opponent of high caliber until now. Eucliwood Hellscythe is one of the strongest newcomers of 2011, having lost only to two of the fiercest characters this year has to offer. However, Saber is not one to back down from a challenge. It is said no magi of today can harm her due to her magic resistance ability, but Eu's magic is way beyond the imaginable. Her power is not only dangerous for a person, but for the world itself. Her words have the capability to bend the universe. Can a heroic spirit ever hope to match such a power? What is certain is that regardless of who's the winner and who's the loser, both girls will always keep their grace and delicate composure. |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Senjōgahara Hitagi (Bakemonogatari)
Our next two challengers may have differences of opinion on how to express their feelings, but they both know how to fight. Senjōgahara Hitagi will do whatever it takes to keep her secrets hidden, even if it means attacking a friend, or classmate. When she wants to reveal her true feelings, she will say so without hesitation. Misaka Mikoto either fights because she feels like it, or when she helps others in trouble. When it comes to romance or showing appreciation, she wants to admit her true feelings. Instead, she either gets too embarrassed, or changes the subject by starting a fight. Misaka won the first battle against her opponent during Sapphire last year 2700-2052, but it didn’t harmfully impact either of their chances of reaching the ISML Postseason, because they both made it. On the other hand, Hitagi won the following match between the two when it really counted; she won the 2010 KBM (K-Moe) quarterfinal match 1286-1048. Will the Railgun have enough electricity to shock her opponent, or does Hitagi wield enough weapons to beat her foe into submission? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Two tsunderes, two saimoe champions of 2009, and two girls with long hair and tragic breasts fight today to determine which one is more popular. 2009 ISML Champion, Katsura Hinagiku, is heading toward the 200th win in her ISML career this year; unfortunately, just one more loss and she'll have to wait until next year to complete the feat, which means any single loss from now on is deadly. Another strong challenger and the 2009 dual saimoe champion, Aisaka Taiga, has been depressed for two years since the third championship was given to Hinagiku, and it is now the day for her revenge. Facing almost the same opponents as Hinagiku from the beginning of the Topaz period, the "Palmtop Tiger" seems to be in a slight advantage, but Hinagiku hasn't lost even a single match to Taiga in ISML. Will Taiga stop Hinagiku from getting the 200th win this year, or will history repeat itself? Let's see how epic this match will be! 兩個傲嬌、兩個2009年的最萌冠軍,以及兩位有著長髮和平坦胸部的女孩,今天就是她們決一勝負的日子-2009年的國際最萌冠軍桂雛菊想要在今年拿下她 國際最萌生涯的第兩百個勝利,但不幸的,已經落敗兩次的她只要再輸一場就得等到明年才能完成這個壯舉,換句話說,從今開始任一場敗戰都是致命的,但是她現 在又面臨了一位強大的挑戰者,2009年稱霸了AST和KBM兩大萌賽的逢坂大河已經為了沒能拿下第三個冠軍的事沮喪了兩年,而今天就是她復仇的日子。從 黃玉賽程的開端,兩人就面對著幾乎相同的對手,就目前的戰績看來,『掌中老虎』似乎略占上風,但是雛菊從未在任一場國際最萌的比賽中輸給大河過-那麼,將 會是大河停下雛菊邁向第兩百勝的腳步,或是過往的歷史重演呢?讓我們見證這場頂尖對決吧 |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
Life has not been kind to these two young women. Nakamura Yuri would have spent her life caring for and playing with her siblings. However, burglars came in and not only took her family possessions, but also her siblings’ lives. Ever since, Yuri takes extra care of the friends she has made in fear that the incident could occur once more. Even when people see her as their leader, she doubts her abilities to help those who are in need. After the death of her mother, Charlotte Dunois was taken in by her "father" because she was his illegitimate daughter. Due to his company's crisis, her father ordered Charlotte to become a boy to act as a marketing ploy. If anyone were to know that she is a girl, she would be severely punished. It is only when these two leave their worlds that they are able to act as themselves. Yuri still holds her determination along with a smile, and Charlotte was finally able to reveal to the public that she is indeed a female. It is a declaration of war between the leader of the SSS Brigade, Nakamura Yuri, against the representative of France, Charlotte Dunois. Which of these two will come out over the other? |

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs. Furukawa Nagisa (CLANNAD)
Despite her weakened state, Furukawa Nagisa has remained a miracle worker. She has continued to overcome girls one tier, and even two tiers, above her. Today, she faces another representative of K-ON!, Kotobuki Tsumugi. The lifestyles of these two maidens are very dissimilar. “Mugi” has lived a life filled with luxury, not knowing any information about what it feels like to be in the middle class. Nagisa has lived her life in a quiet town where miracles do exist. If there is one thing that these two have in common, it is their never-say-die attitude. Putting curiosity aside, they will do whatever they can in their powers to make something come true, whether it be preparing a trip for friends or performing a play in school. In a match served with dango, tea, and cake, can Nagisa perform another major victory against a higher ranked opponent, or will Mugi politely prevent her from triumph? |

Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Gokō Ruri (Ore no Imōto)
With the race to the Topaz necklace coming to a close, these two girls find themselves in the perfect positions to becoming contenders for the necklace. Haruhi and “Kuroneko” have been known to do whatever it takes to grab any opportunities in hand. If Suzumiya Haruhi wins this match, or even loses by a small margin in the following match, it will be the first time since Emerald 2009 that she can be an actual contender for a necklace. In Gokō Ruri's case, it will make for a new experience. After coming short of the Aquamarine necklace, a victory here will provide major help and a self-esteem boost for her. Can the black cat obtain a possible spot in the Necklace Round, or will God deem it not so? |
Thanks to Miku, Dusk252, hinakatbklyn, Kevin, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations done by Miku (German) and Kevin (Chinese).
Translations done by Miku (German) and Kevin (Chinese).
Topaz 7 — 31 May 2011

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
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While every match is important, it's not a stretch to say that this match is the one that Suzumiya Haruhi's fans have been waiting for since the date of the Korea Super Best Moe championship match, which pitted the team of Haruhi and Kimi ni Todoke's Kazehaya Shouta against Mikoto and Durarara!!'s Orihara Izaya. Haruhi beat Mikoto by nearly 750 votes, but the Brigade Leader's partner lost to Mikoto's partner by over 800, giving Mikoto the crown. Suzumiya hopes today will be a day of revenge, but vengeance will be hard to come by. Biribiri enters this match as one of only three girls yet to taste defeat this year and is only out of the running for the Topaz necklace because she's already laid claim to the Aquamarine one. In addition to her victory in Korea, Mikoto scored a 150-vote win over today's opponent in last year's Diamond period. Will Mikoto score her third straight victory over the Goddess, or will Haruhi claim the victory that eluded her months ago? |

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs. Izumi Konata (Lucky☆Star)
Three thousand, six hundred and eighty-nine to three thousand, six hundred and eighty-six—that was the final tally in the Preliminary round between Izumi Konata and Kotobuki Tsumugi. The margin of victory was just three votes. Three votes were all that kept Konata perfect on that day. Three votes were all that allowed Legendary Girl A to run the table and claim her spot in the Regular Season in Phase 1. Three votes were all that prevented Tsumugi from going 4-0 and winning her group. Three votes were all that sent Mugi into Phase 2 (and eventually Phase 3) to sweat out a place in the Regular Season. It's not clear who will win, but one thing is for certain: every vote WILL count. |

Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
One word from Yū, and all hell will break loose. The silent necromancer with the hidden voice of an angel has triumphed over musicians on both sides of death, and now, yet another artist will find her name written in Hellscythe's notebook: Yui. Racing neck and neck thus far in ISML, both newcomers have dealt out 11 more-or-less easy wins and expect more to come, but before they can rest and enjoy their respective successes, they have to face each other. With every word a potential weapon, Eucliwood dwells in the realm of her silence, fearful of her own ability to change reality. Yui knows no such fear. She is as loud off stage as she is on it. One can't make a single sound; the other can't stop. Both have suffered beyond belief, yet both have found refuge amongst friends. This refuge will be put to the test as only one can emerge victorious. Will Yū put an end to it all with a single word? Or will Yui power through to complete her first perfect period? |

Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs. Akiyama Mio (K-ON!)
The last round of the Topaz Period will see a clash between the two vocalists of After School Tea Time. There are many debates between the fans as to whether the guitarist's cute, high-pitched voice or the bassist's more mature one fits the band better; however, right now it's only one aspect in their rivalry. The last time they met, Mio easily won against Yui during the first round of last year's Double Elimination. If the older Hirasawa sister wants revenge for her defeat, this might be her only shot, since it's doubtful that they can both make it to the Postseason again. While the bearer of the Heavenly Tiara still seems to have a safe place even though she may not be as powerful as she used to be, Yui has to fight hard for her place in the best 16. Can the air-headed, carefree girl take this match seriously, or will she cause no problems to her shy, yet diligent, friend? |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
If the Hanazawa Kana fans had a tough time deciding whom to vote for in Topaz Round 6, Topaz Round 7 may jab their heartstrings even further. Tachibana Kanade and Charlotte Dunois, both who have had perfect Topaz rounds thus far, will square off to determine who will be the one to proceed to the Topaz Necklace Round. Currently, Kanade holds the best position in securing her chances of making it to the final round. With her SDO at nearly double of every other contestant's score, she is practically locked for the Topaz necklace. Or, so she thought. Maybe she should start celebrating after this match is over. After all, Charlotte just barely made it to the final slot to become a contender for the necklace. She does not wish to lose her position now that has she obtained it, so she will try to do whatever it takes to secure a spot, even if it means defeating the most powerful female contestant ISML has ever seen. Will Charlotte be the one to shoot the angel down to the ground, or will Kanade's power overwhelm the French maiden? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
It is the yet another, cat-themed fight of the Regular Season, and the stakes cannot be any higher. Defending necklace holder, Aisaka Taiga, will take on the biggest cat in ISML, Nakano Azusa. Azusa has improved considerably over the course of last year. This junior guitarist has proven that she can be on par with the big girls in town. While Taiga does not know how to play an instrument, she knows how to pick a fight; the Palmtop Tiger has no problem facing off against those who are twice her size. She never backs down from a good challenge, and this match may prove to be just the challenge that she was looking for. Right now, they are on par in terms of SDO, with Asuza passing her only via Vote Differential. The Topaz necklace is on the line, and Taiga wishes to defend it until the very end. Can she provide yet another surprising victory, or will Azusa knock her out of her own necklace race? |

Saber (Fate/stay night) vs. Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD)
These two have butted heads for quite some time, but probably the most notable clash between these two fine warriors was last year during the Regular Season. Saber surprised the whole world by defeating one of the Elite 7 by a decent margin. After all was said and done, Saber found herself at the eighth seed, while Tomoyo was tenth. At Postseason, Tomoyo exacted revenge and successfully defeated her nemesis. In the final rankings, Tomoyo ranked 11th while Saber stood 12th in the standings. Could it be that the victory from before was a fluke? Saber does not believe so and will do whatever she can to obtain victory once again against Tomoyo. With the score between them at 1-3, can the exalted one slay her foe once again, or will the student council president think otherwise about Saber's ideas of crushing her? |

Last Order (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Kuroi Mato (Black ★ Rock Shooter)
The last round of Topaz brings us yet another interesting match. It may take place between two characters in the bottom half of the table and not be too relevant for period results, but when one has so few wins, each one counts. Mato had a better performance than Last Order in Aquamarine, but their stats in Topaz are pretty even after Round 6. On her quest to save her dear friend, Mato seemed to pull one win out of nowhere, only to lose spectacularly the next round. While it seems she has the upper hand against the cutest Misaka sister, her inconsistent results make it hard to predict the outcome. Which of the newcomers will take the pride of winning this match? Will Mato prove to be stronger, or will Last Order's optimistic attitude be enough to defeat her? |

Yagami Hikari (Digimon) vs. Kuchiki Rukia (BLEACH)八神ヒカリ (デジタルモンスター) vs. 朽木ルキア (ブリーチ)카미야 히카리 (디지몬) vs. 쿠치키 루키아 (블리치)
From the hit series, Digimon and BLEACH, come two girls whose personalities can be compared to two sides of a coin. Yagami Hikari is a bright, pure child. Hikari has always been known to have a weak body; thus, she rarely goes outside. Hikari played a major role during the arc of the search of the eighth digidestined. When she realized that she was the eighth chosen one, she helped her friends vanquish the evil that caused terror in her homeland. From then on, she acted as a moderator for the team, using her body as a medium on several occasions and stopping disputes among friends. Kuchiki Rukia has a rather dark and sullen personality. After killing her best friend without figuring out a way to save him first, Rukia became scared of losing those close to her and vowed to become stronger to protect them. When she believed that yet another person died because of her, she became depressed and allowed others to hold her captive. Only through the help of her friends was she about to overcome her self-doubt and help fend off the evil of her world. Both girls also have contrasting powers: Hikari wields the Crest of Light, which is in the shape of a sun, while Rukia wields an ice sword, which grants her the powers of the moon. As these two powerful embodiments of contrasting celestial bodies face off, can Hikari blast her opponent away with the strength of her light, or will Rukia overshadow her with the powers of darkness? |
Thanks to amdrag, Momukutenshi, Yakuman, Momento10, and Dusk252 for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Necklace Showdown — 2 June 2011

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
vs. Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
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The Topaz necklace, said to contain the power of the sun, has now revealed itself. Current necklace holder, Aisaka Taiga, will need to defend it against six other Contestants who are looking to gain that same energy. Previous Topaz necklace holder, Nagato Yuki, would like nothing more than to control the light once more. Shana, the most decorated girl in ISML, looks to add yet another, untouched necklace into her collection. After all, it is fire that brought heat and light into the land of the ancients. Four girls have yet to obtain a necklace thus far: Tachibana Kanade, Nakano Azusa, Eucliwood Hellscythe, and Gokō Ruri. They will each need to use every minute of time wisely if they wish to hold the necklace. Only one girl is going to walk out of this brawl with the power of the sun in the palm of her hand. Who will rise above and outshine her opponents like the sun does the stars in the sky? La Collana di Topazio, che si dice racchiuda il potere del Sole, è stata rivelata. La detentrice della Collana, Taiga Aisaka, dovrà difenderla contro altre sei sfidanti che stanno cercando di ottenere quello stesso potere. Colei che la possedeva prima di lei, Yuki Nagato, non desidera altro che controllare nuovamente quella luce. Shana, la ragazza più premiata nella storia dell'ISML, cerca di aggiungere un'altra, nuova Collana alla sua collezione. Dopotutto, fu il fuoco a portare la luce e il calore nelle terre degli antichi. Altre quattro ragazze devono ancora ottenere una Collana finora: Kanade Tachibana, Azusa Nakano, Eucliwood Hellscythe e Ruri Gokō. Dovranno sfruttare con saggezza ogni minuto a loro disposizione, se desiderano ottenere la Collana. Una sola ragazza sarà in grado di uscire da questo scontro col potere del Sole nelle proprie mani. Chi si ergerà ad oscurare le proprie avversarie come il Sole fa con le stelle nel cielo? O colar de Topaz, o qual se diz possuir o poder do sol, revelou-se agora. A actual detentora do colar, Aisaka Taiga, necessita de defender o seu colar contra as restantes seis participantes, que aspiram a obter a energia do sol. Nagato Yuki, que previamente teve o colar na sua posse, nada mais desejaria do que ter de novo a luz sob o seu controlo. Shana, a participante mais premiada de sempre na ISML, procura adicionar ainda outro novo colar à sua colecção. Afinal, foi o fogo que nos trouxe luz e calor na antiguidade. No confronto de hoje estão ainda presentes quatro participantes que até agora ainda não obteram nenhum colar: Tachibana Kanade, Nakano Azusa, Eucliwood Hellscythe e Gokō Ruri. Elas precisarão de usar sabiamente cada minuto do seu tempo se desejam conseguir o colar. Uma única personagem sairá deste confronto com o poder do sol na palma da sua mão. Quem ascenderá acima dos restantes e ofuscará a sua luz assim como o sol ofusca a luz das restantes estrelas? 號稱擁有太陽力量的黃玉項鍊,現在正要展露出自己的光芒。目前的項鍊擁有者逢坂大河想要守住它,必須先贏過其他六位同樣渴望這股力量的少女。更之前的擁有者長門有希,也無非希望再度掌握這道光芒。而世萌中目前擁有最多項鍊的夏娜,也正在盼望是否能將這條尚未獲得的項鍊納入收藏。立花奏、中野梓、優克莉伍德·海爾賽茲、五更琉璃,這四位女孩尚未獲得項鍊,為了拿到它,她們將需要善用接下來的每分每秒。人類的祖先因為有了火才能獲得光和熱,而現在每個人都渴望這股力量。然而只有一個人能打破僵局,將太陽的力量掌握在手中。就像太陽的燦爛之於其他星星的黯淡,誰,將會脫穎而出? Kalung Topaz, disebut-sebut mengandung kekuatan matahari, telah memancarkan sinarnya. Penyandang kalung saat ini, Aisaka Taiga, mesti mempertahankan apa yang dimilikinya terhadap enam peserta lainnya yang juga mengincar kekuatan sang matahari. Penyandang kalung Topaz sebelumnya, Nagato Yuki, berhasrat untuk mengendalikan cahaya sinar matahari untuk kesekian kalinya. Shana, gadis yang paling menghiasi turnamen ISML,mencari kalung yang belum ia dapat, untuk menambah jumlah kalung koleksinya. Pada akhirnya, adalah api sang pembawa sifat panas dan terang ke tanah para leluhur.Empat gadis lain yang berpeluang memperoleh kalung antara lain: Tachibana Kanade, Nakano Azusa, Eucliwood Hellscythe, dan Gokō Ruri. Mereka perlu memanfaatkan waktu setiap saat dengan bijak jika ingin mengenggam kalung cahaya ini. Hanya satu yang akan terus maju kedepan meraih kekuatan sang matahari ke dalam genggaman tangannya. Siapakah yang akan ditinggikan dan bersinar lebih terang dari peserta lainnya laksana matahari bersinar lebih terang dibandingkan bintang-bintang dilangit? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match preview.
Translations by HibariKyoya (Italian), Dusk252 (Portuguese), Tim (Chinese), and KawanCido (Indonesian).
Translations by HibariKyoya (Italian), Dusk252 (Portuguese), Tim (Chinese), and KawanCido (Indonesian).